Monday, May 11, 2020

95. The Virgin of Guadalupe (Virgen de Guadalupe) - Colonial Spanish Baroque - c. 1698 CE


Artistic Intent
Audience Response

Responses due by:
Thursday, May 14 at 11:59 PM


  1. mckenna
    Form-Oil with canvas on wood
    Function-To show the "correctness" of Christianity in order to convert the indigenous people to Christianity.
    Content-She is being supported by a seraph, a winged being.
    Context- This piece was made my Miguel Gonzalez.
    Tradition- Guadalupe is surrounded by a "halo", much like other Christian art. It is meant to show that the figure is holy.
    Interpretation- The symbol of Mexico is below Guadalupe, an eagle perched on top of a cactus.
    Artistic intent- The shell inlay made the piece luminescent, a factor that could not be achieved through paint.
    Audience response- People travel to the Basilica of the original piece, in order to see it.

  2. Nandini
    Form: inlaid with mother-of-pearl
    Function: used for devotional purposes
    Content: it is an enconchado painting which means it has shells
    Context: Mary stands on a crescent moon
    Tradition: the manner in which the Virgin Mary appears related to the Immaculate conception
    Interpretation" Mary appeared to the indigenous americans on a hill called Tepeyac
    Artistic Intent: the iridescent shell emphasizes the sacredness and importance of the Virgin Mary
    Audience Response: the symbol of an eagle on cactus became popular as a symbol for Mexico city
