Thursday, April 30, 2020

99. The Palace at Versailles - Baroque - c. begun in 1669 and completed in 1682 CE


Artistic Intent
Audience Response

Responses due by:
Monday, May 4 at 11:59 PM


  1. Mckenna
    Form- Masonry
    Function- To emphasize Louis XIV's importance.
    Content- The grounds of the garden covered almost 2,500 acres.
    Context-Was originally king Louis XIV's hunting lodge, but was rebuilt into this grand palace.
    Tradition- Shows the Baroque style of being very ornate.
    Interpretation- The hall of mirrors, has 357 mirrors that catch the sun's rays, and are meant to remind us of king Louis' power.
    Artistic intent- The hall of mirrors is meant to be the showroom of the palace.
    Audience response- I'm not sure if this would be considered an actual audience response, but in one of the Pokemon games, there is a palace that looks just like this one. The game is based on France, and the palace is called Parfum Palace. The palace has a hall of mirrors, is very ornamentally decorated, and has a large garden just like the Palace of Versailles. I'm not sure if it is actually inspired by the real palace, or if it's just a coincidence, but I thought it was really cool.

  2. Nandini
    Form: iron and wood
    Function: to host parties and military agreements.
    Content: extremely detailed, ornate interior
    Context: was begun in 1661 and completed in 1682
    Tradition/Change:Louis XIV and Colbert tried to normalize artistic taste and define the dominance of the Classical Style
    Interpretation:Louis kept the Nobility's power in check, invited them to festivities at Versailles to remind them of his power
    Artistic Intent: Demonstrated the shift in the French government's power from the Noble families (aristocracy) to the King, Louis XIV
    Audience Response: Used for Louis XIV's many festivals
