Thursday, April 30, 2020

82. Triumph of the Name of Jesus in Il Gesu - Italian Baroque - C. 1676-1679 CE


Artistic Intent
Audience Response

Responses due by:
Monday, May 4 at 11:59 PM

1 comment:

  1. mckenna
    Form- Stucco
    Function-To defend the Catholic Church from Protestant attacks
    Content-The use of the Trompe L'oeil technique makes the ceiling look like an open sky.
    Context- Gaulli was able to get this commission due to his mentor Gian Bernini, who may of helped contribute to the over all design.
    Tradition-Like many Christian works, there is a last jugdement scene that is placed on the barrel vault of the nave.
    interpretation-IHS is located in the middle of the painting, which are the first three letters of Jesus' name in Greek.
    Artistic intent- The idea of limitless visions was meant to keep viewers engaged in the painting.
    Audience response- Helped to Embrace the counter-reform of the church.
