Thursday, April 30, 2020

87. Self-Portrait with Saskia - Dutch Baroque - c. 1636 CE


Artistic Intent
Audience Response

Responses due by:
Monday, May 4 at 11:59 PM


  1. Mckenna
    Form- Etching
    Function-Is a private artwork
    Content- A depiction of rembrandt and his wife wearing historical clothing.
    Context- This is one of more than 75 self portraits made by Rembrandt O:
    Change- This is the only piece rembrandt ever made of him and his wife.
    Interpretation- It seems that the viewer of the piece has interrupted an intimate moment between the two.
    Artistic intent- The viewer is meant to be present in the scene.
    Audience response- Rembrandt made the media of etching popular.

  2. Nandini
    Form:used a copper plate eroded by acid
    Function: comments on the nature of their relationship
    Content: a marriage portrait
    Context: This etching marks the first time Rembrandt depicted himself as an artist in the work
    Change: With his early works we see a much more extensive use of Chiaroscuro while His later works show his evolved confidence as an artist
    Interpretation:With the Self-Portrait with two circles we see him defiantly claiming his genius
    Artistic Intent: this was probably etched in the mirror causing a reversed image
    Audience Response: Not for general sale
