Tuesday, April 10, 2018

75. Sistine Chapel ceiling and altar wall frescoes - High Renaissance - ceiling frescoes c. 1508-1512 and altar frescoes c. 1536-1541 CE


Artistic Intent
Audience Response

Responses due by:
Sunday, April 26 at 11:59 PM


  1. Mckenna
    Form- fresco
    Function-Place were new popes are elected
    Content- The flood is one of the stories on the ceiling of the chapel.
    Context- Painted by Michelangelo
    Change- The panel scenes don't show christ, even though this is a catholic church.
    Interpretation-The ark in the background of the flood is the seen as the only safe haven.
    Artistic intent- Meant to show the most of the stories of the old testament.
    Audience response- Many people visit the Sistine Chapel every year.

  2. Nandini
    Form: mosaic
    Function: to present a counter-reformation message that the only way to salvation is through the catholic church
    Context:located in Vatican City, Italy
    Content:Mannerism shown in the distortions of the body, elongations, crowded groups
    Tradition: Last Judgment scenes are traditional on altar walls of chapels
    Interpretation:spiraling composition is a reaction against the High Renaissance harmony of the Sistine Chapel
    ceiling, and reflects the disunity in Christendom caused by the Reformation
    Artistic Intent:subject chosen because of the turbulence in Rome after the sack of the city in 1521
    Audience Response:in the spirit of Counter-Reformation, the genitalia were covered over after Michelangelo’s death
