Sunday, March 4, 2018

49. Santa Sabina - Late Antique Europe - c. 422 - 432 CE


Artistic Intent
Audience Response

Responses are due by:
Friday, April 3, 2020 11:59 PM


  1. Mckenna
    Form- Brick and stone
    Function- A place of worship for Christians
    Content- Axially planned building.
    Context- Located in Rome, Italy
    Tradition- The columns are taken from the temple of Juno in Rome.
    Interpretation- Bare exterior but beautiful interior, which represents how Christians have a plain exterior, but a beautiful soul.
    Artistic intent- The walls are made thin to support a light roof.
    Audience response- The patron of this building is Peter of Illyria, a dalmation priest.

  2. Nandini
    Form: wooden roof
    Function: early christian parish church
    Content: long, tall, broad nave
    Context: Built by Peter of Illyria
    Tradition/Change: Does not have a transept as churches normally do
    Interpretation: As in Jewish tradition, men and women stood separately
    Artistic Intent: Meant to be a statement about the triumph of Christianity over paganism
    Audience Response: Architects reinvented a government space into a religious one

  3. Form- selenite windows
    Function- a statement about the triumph of christianity over paganism
    Content- 3-aisled basilica
    Context- late antique europe
    Tradition- axially planned
    Interpretation- representative of the christian with a beautiful interior
    Artistic Intent- bare exterior, sensitively decorated interior
    Audience Response- men and women stood separetely
