Wednesday, March 7, 2018

56. Great Mosque - Islamic, Umayyad Dynasty - c. 785-786 CE (built over 8th-10th centuries)


Artistic Intent
Audience Response

Responses are due by:
Monday, February 24, 2020 11:59 PM                                                                                          


  1. Mckenna
    Form-Stone Masonry
    Function- The mihrab faces Mecca, so that worshipers know which way to pray.
    Content-Large hypostyle prayer hall
    Context- This was originally a roman temple.
    Tradition-The use of spolia is seen here in the Mosque's use of the corinthian style columns.
    Interpretation- It symbolizes the many religious changes the city of Cordoba has undergone over the centuries.
    Artistic intent- It was made over time to represent a fusion of cultures and religions.
    Audience response- in 1236, the christians consecrated it as a place for worship of the virgin mary.

  2. katherine
    form- original wooden ceiling
    function- after christian reconquest, it was used for a church
    content- double arched columns with alternating bands of color
    context- built on the site of a church
    tradition- horseshoe columns derived from the tradition of visigoth architecture.
    interpretation- possibly influenced by roman aquaducts
    artistic intent- to create a light and airy interior
    audience response- no congregational worship

  3. Nandini
    Form: mosaic on walls
    Function: Muslim mosque
    Content:relatively short columns made ceilings low
    Context: The building had 6 different patrons
    Tradition/change:Dome over mihrab with elaborate squinches
    Interpretation: Inspired by Byzantine architecture
    Artistic Intent: repeating elements (columns, arches, voussoirs) established a steady rhythm within the structure.
    Audience Response:The site was a major commercial and architectural center.
