Wednesday, March 7, 2018

53. Merovingian looped fibulae - Early Medieval Europe - c. mid-6th century CE


Artistic Intent
Audience Response

Responses are due by:
Friday, April 3, 2020 11:59 PM


  1. Mckenna
    Form- Silver gilt worked on in filigree
    Function-Used to fasten garments
    Content- Zoomorphic elements.
    Context- Found in Jouy-le-Comte, France
    Tradition- Zoomorphic elements in pieces such as this can also be seen in Egyptian art.
    Interpretation- May of been made for women
    Audience response- Fibula were very popular during the early middle ages.

  2. Nandini
    Form: inlays of garnet
    Function: showed the prestige of the wearer
    Content: small loops on the bottom of the fibulae
    Context: fibulae became popular in the early Middle ages and are commonly found at barbarian grave sites
    Tradition/Change: highly abstracted forms derived from the classical tradition.
    Interpretation: fibulae showed that distinct cultures lived within larger empires and kingdoms
    Artistic Intent: to show the owner's identity and resonate with them
    Audience Response: the style of fibulae changed according to the time period and culture that they were made in

  3. Form- inlays of garnet and other stones
    Function- small and portable
    Content- abstracted forms from classical tradition
    Context- found in a grave
    Tradition- decline of the classical tradition
    Interpretation- zoomorphic elements
    Artistic Intent- showed prestige of the wearer
    Audience Response- fibula became very popular
