Saturday, March 3, 2018

45. Forum of Trajan – Column of Trajan - Roman - c. 113 CE - marble


Artistic Intent
Audience Response

Responses due by:
Sunday, December 15, 2019 11:59 PM


  1. mckenna
    Form- This column was made of marble.
    Function- It was the burial spot of Trajan, whose ashes were placed in a room near the base.
    Content-the column is covered in low reliefs, in order to not overshadow the column itself.
    Context- This column stood in Trajan's forum.
    Artistic intent - Was meant to impress the viewer with Trajan's many accomplishments.
    Interpretation- Their is a current scholarly debate over which way the column is supposed to be viewed.

  2. Nandini
    Form:The inside of the column was made of concrete
    Function: Was a civic space
    Content: originally held an equestrian monument dedicated to Trajan in the center
    Context: Architect was Apollodorus of Damascus
    Tradition/change: the place where Trajan built was already covered with fora from previous emperors
    Interpretation: The column is 125 feet tall which marks the amount of hill removed

  3. form- brick and concrete inside
    function- the registers tell a story
    content- the stature at the top was replaced, so it is no longer of trajan
    context-in the same area as the forum and markets
    tradition/change- built on the ruins of previous forums
