Wednesday, March 7, 2018

182. Buddha - Gandharan - c. 400-800 CE (destroyed in 2001 by Taliban)


Artistic Intent
Audience Response

Responses due by:
Monday, February 24, 2020 11:59 PM


  1. Mckenna
    Form- Cut rock plaster
    Function- Pilgrimage site.
    Content- Niche shaped like a halo around the body.
    Context- Found in Bamiyan, Afghanistan
    Change- Largest Buddha sculptures ever created.
    Interpretation- One buddha is thought to be representative of male aspects, while the other, smaller one is thought to represent female aspects.
    Artistic intent- The area near the feet was carved out so that people could circumambulate the sculptures.
    Audience response- It was destroyed by the Taliban in an act of iconoclasm.

  2. Nandini
    Form: polychrome paint
    Function: Trading center
    Content: faces and hands were originally covered in copper
    Context: architects were the Kushan people of Gandharan
    Change: gandharan style blended greco-roman aesthetics with Buddhist symbolism
    Interpretation: Smaller Buddha was the historical Buddha while the larger statue was the universal Buddha
    Intent: many of the caves served as accommodations for caravans along the silk road
    Audience response: when Genghis Khan invaded and killed all the people, he left the Buddhas intact.

  3. katherine
    form- pigment and gold
    function- represented the male and female aspects of the univers
    content- painted in gold pigment
    context- built by the kushan people of Gandharan
    change- first colossal buddhas
    interpretation- blended with greco-roman aesthetisicm
    intent- niche shaped like a halo
    response- pilgrims could walk through the cave galleries
