Thursday, March 1, 2018

33. Niobides Krater - Anonymous vase painter of Classical Greece known as the Niobid Painter - Classical Greek - c. 460 to 450 BCE - clay, red-figure technique (white highlights)


Artistic Intent
Audience Response

Responses due by:
Thursday, November 14, 2019 11:59


  1. Mckenna
    Form- Clay with the red figure technique.
    Function- This crater is for ceremonies, however normal craters were used for mixing water and wine.
    Content- On one side Niobid's children are being killed because she bragged about her fertility to the Gods.
    Context- Found in Orvieto, Italy.
    Tradition/Change- First time that depicting heads of figures on the same level was abandoned; may have been the influence of wall paintings.
    Interpretation- The other side May of represented Hercules surrounded by heroes and Athena, However others believe it represents hercules and the warriors of the marathon.

  2. Form:red figure ware
    Function: Was used for storing liquids
    Content:Leto's two children ,Artemis and Apollo, seek revenge by killing Niobid's children.
    Context: was painted by an anonymous painter known as the Niobid Painter.
    Artistic Intent: to be used in ceremonies.
    Tradition/Change: The change from primarily using the black figure technique to using the red figure technique

  3. form- kiln fired clay
    function- used as a container.
    content- one side depicts lounging warriors and a statue of hercules
    context- the greeks valued balance
    artistic intent- to depict the valued duality of greek mythology
    tradition/change- hierarchy of scale is abandoned
