Saturday, March 3, 2018

39. House of Vettii - Imperial Roman - c. 2nd Century BCE - rebuilt c. 62-79 CE - cut stone and fresco


Artistic Intent
Audience Response

Responses due by:
Sunday, December 15, 2019 11:59 PM


  1. Mckenna
    Form- The house itself is made of cut stone.
    Function-The fresco was used to show the death of the Greek hero Pentheus.
    Content-The exterior of the house has no windows, Lighting comes from the peristyle and atrium.
    Context- The house is named after it's possible owners the Vetti Brothers.
    Audience response- Today all of the artifacts are removed from the house and the house is presented in a way that people can see what the houses looked like before the eruption of Mt Vesuvius.
    Artistic Intent- The painting opens the room with an illusion of windows and a sunny cityscape beyond.

  2. Nandini
    Form: Fresco
    Function:The frescoes were used to decorate the house
    Content: Large reception area called the atrium
    Context: Was a Roman private citizen house
    Interpretation: The frescoes showed how Pentheus was torn to pieces by Maenads.
    Artistic Intent: To display the wealth and status of the Vetti brothers

  3. form-fresco wall paintings
    function- a means of displaying wealth
    content- multiple rooms and a large atrium
    context- private house of a wealthy roman citizen
    artistic intent- to express opposition to the cult of bacchus
    tradition- an expression of wealth made through being merchants
