Sunday, March 11, 2018

205. Portrait of Sin Sukju (1417-1475) - Joseon Period, Korean - c. 15th Century CE - hanging scroll-ink and color on silk


Artistic Intent
Audience Response

Responses due by:
Friday, April 3, 2020 11:59 PM


  1. Mckenna
    Form- Hanging scroll
    Function- A portrait to emphasis the prime ministers contribution to his country.
    Content- His insignia is designed with clouds and a wild goose.
    Context- Made in the Joseon period
    Tradition- represents the prime ministers likness much like roman busts did for their leaders.
    Interpretation- Shows how loyalty to the king and country is valued by confucian philosophy.
    Artistic intent-The artist wanted to define the status of the sitter.
    Audience response-Was repainted over the years, and when he died as a sign of reverence.

  2. Nandini
    Form:ink and color
    Function: A portrait to also emphasize the spirit of loyalty to the king
    Content: A wild goose
    Context: Original location is the Imperial Bureau of Painting in Korea
    Tradition: Known as a gongsin portrait, it displayed formal characteristics that defined the status of the sitter
    Interpretation: The early Joseon era is considered the Korean Renaissance
    Artistic Intent: To embody a likeness of an elderly man
    Audience Response: Looked at as an image of a great scholar and soldier because he helped to create the modern Korean alphabet
