Wednesday, March 7, 2018

187. Folio from a Qur'an - Islamic, Abbasid Dynasty - c. 8th to 9th century CE


Artistic Intent
Audience Response

Responses are due by:
Monday, February 24, 2020 11:59 PM


  1. Mckenna
    Form- Ink
    Function- Part of the Muslim holy book.
    Content- Kufic script
    Context- Islamic style
    Change- Arabic reads right to left
    Interpretation- The short diagonal lines and red dots indicate vocalization.
    Artistic intent- Clarity of text so that several people can read at once.
    Audience response- since this is a holy book, it is likely that many people read it at once.

  2. Nandini
    Form: gold on parchment
    Function: Used for sacred rituals and recitations
    Content:pyramids of gold discs mark the ends of verses
    Context: Abbasid Dynasty is the period
    Tradition/Change: Kufic script is strong uprights and long horizontals
    Interpretation: the text indicates that those who believe in protectors other than Allah are like spiders who build flimsy homes
    Artistic Intent: Heavily decorated for ceremonial purpose
    Audience Response: Islamic faith revolves around the Koran

  3. katherine
    Form- colored pigment
    Function- apart of a quar'an
    Content- kufic script with stong uprights and long horizontals
    Context- the quar'an is the islamic holy text
    Tradition- consonants are scripted, vowels are indicated by dots or markings around the letters
    Interpretation- those who believe in protectors other than allah are compared to spider with flimsy home
    Artistic Intent- to create elaborate divine words
    Audience Response- calligraphy was greatly prized in quar'anic texts
