Wednesday, March 7, 2018

65. Alhambra - Islamic, Nasrid Dynasty - c. 1354-1391 CE


Artistic Intent
Audience Response

Responses are due by:
Monday, February 24, 2020 11:59 PM


  1. Mckenna
    Form-Whitewashed adobe stucco
    Function- Palace for the Nasrid Sultans
    Content- Contains water pools and gardens.
    Context- Located in Granada Spain
    Tradition-Inspired by the Charbagh gardens in Persia
    Interpretation- The hall of the sisters may have been a room for music or receptions.
    Artistic intent- Built on a hill to overlook the city of Granada.
    Audience response- This was originally used as a fortress of war.

  2. Nandini
    Form: Wood and tile
    Function: small, low bubbling fountains provide cool temperatures in the summer
    Content: thin columns support heavy roofs
    Context: Built by Muhammad V
    Tradition: Animal imagery permitted in secular monuments
    Interpretation: Alhambra is an abbreviation of Qal’at al-Hamra meaning red fort
    Artistic Intent: The Court of Lions was the architectural pinnacle of the Alhambra with the fountain in the middle
    Audience Response: In 1492, Isabella and Ferdinand of Spain converted it into a Christian court

  3. Katherine
    form- paint and gilding
    function-palace of the nasrid sultans
    content- thin columns support heavy roofs
    context- built on a hill overlooking the city
    tradition- intricately patterned and sculpted ceilings and walls.
    interpretation- possibly used for a music room or receptions
    artistic intent- 5,000 muqarnas refract light, carved into the ceiling
    audience response- used as a place of gathering and entertainment
