Saturday, March 3, 2018

31. Temple of Minerva - Etruscan - c. 510-500 BCE - wood, mud brick, or tufa


Artistic Intent
Audience Response

Responses due by:
Sunday, December 15, 2019 11:59 PM


  1. Mckenna
    Form- Was made from mud brick.
    Function- To provide a place for worship of the Goddess Minerva.
    Content- The porches are deep and places the doorways away from the steps.
    Context-The three doors represented the three Gods, Minerva, Juno, and Jupiter.
    Tradition/change- The Estrucan temples had very few columns, compared to their greek predecessors which had a large number of columns supporting their temples.
    Audience Response- People would go to this temple in order to worship Minerva (Greek:Athena).

  2. Nandini
    Form: Wood
    Function:Worship of three gods including Zeus and Hera
    Content: The entrances are emphasized
    Context: Located in Veii, near Rome, Italy
    Tradition/Change: Capitals were stylized in the Tuscan order, a variation on Greek capitals
    Audience Response: People prayed from the outside to statues on the roof because they weren't allowed inside the temple.

  3. Form- made from perishable materials
    function- a place of ritual ceremony
    content- divided into three parts, a deep from porch and two back areas
    context- stemmed from a desire to make monumental structures for the gods
    tradition- inspired by greek temples and culture
    audience response- the temple was written about by romans much later
