Sunday, March 11, 2018

195. Longmen Caves - Tang Dynasty, Chinese Buddhist Art - c. 493-1127 CE - limestone


Artistic Intent
Audience Response

Responses due by:
Friday, April 3, 2020 11:59 PM


  1. Mckenna
    Form- Limestone
    Function- Is a holy site.
    Content-Has elongated legs and exaggerated poses.
    Context- Was worked for 600 years by chinese sculptors.
    Tradition-Focuses on Buddhism, which was spread to China by the silk road.
    Interpretation- Buddha is in the middle as if he is on an altar at a temple.
    Artistic intent- There are nearly 2, 500 caves with 100, 000 statues the are all devoted to Buddha.
    Audience response- The main patroness of this site was Empress Wu Zetian.

  2. Nandini
    Form:Dynamic low relief decoration
    Function: Worship to Buddha
    Content: Vairocana Buddha is flanked by monk attended, bodhisattvas and guardians
    Context:Buddhism reached China in the first century C.E
    Tradition: Use of the Vairocana Buddha in the art
    Interpretation: By associating themselves with the Vairocana Buddha, the imperial patrons enhanced their own image of omnipotence
    Artistic Intent: Used Chinese style to gain acceptance from the rest of China
    Audience Response: The pilgrims of the Tang dynasty would have seen the Buddha in technicolor
