Saturday, March 3, 2018

45. Forum of Trajan – Trajan Markets - Imperial Roman - c. 106-112 CE - brick and concrete


Artistic Intent
Audience Response

Responses due by:
Sunday, December 15, 2019 11:59 PM


  1. Mckenna
    Form- Constructed of brick and concrete.
    Function- Was used as a place to house different shops.
    Content- The building itself was semicircular shaped.
    Context- The original market had 150 shops.
    Audience response- people went there to sell their items as well as buy items.
    Change- The use of exposed brick was first thought of as unfit for buildings of this size, however this building shows a more accepted use of brick.

  2. Nandini
    Form: Multilevel mall
    Function: Used as a civic and ceremonial place for the people
    Content: barrel vaulted shops
    Context: Was built by Apollodorus of Damascus
    Tradition/Change: With the building of the forum, the focus was more on the people than on the rulers, the rulers were giving back to the people instead of taking away from them.
    Audience response: made the common people happy because they were getting the land that was taken away from them back in the form of civil spaces.

  3. form- marble columns
    function- a hub of activity and shopping for the citizens
    content- multiple levels with arches
    context- built in rome
    tradition- built for the use of civilians
    audience response- used widely by many people who could buy things or make money selling them
