Monday, March 5, 2018

51. San Vitale Early - Byzantine Europe - c. 526 - 547 CE


Artistic Intent
Audience Response

Responses are due by:
Friday, April 3, 2020 11:59 PM


  1. Mckenna
    Form- Brick
    Function- Is a church for Christian worship.
    Content- Has eight sides
    Context- Located in Ravenna, Italy
    Tradition- Uses large windows to light the interior similar to how windows were used in Egyptian temples.
    Interpretation- The mysterious space symbolically connects the mythical elements of religion.
    Artistic intent- The mosaic scenes were in relation to the eucharist that took place at the altar.
    Audience response- Banker Julianus Argentarius financed the construction of this building.

  2. Nandini
    Form: marble
    Function: a martyrium
    Content: plain exterior
    Context: Built after the split of the Roman empire
    Tradition/ Change: combination of axial and central plans
    Interpretation: The porch is thought to have been added later in the Renaissance
    Artistic Intent:Shows spolia as there are bricks taken from ruined Roman buildings and reused here
    Audience Response: Served as a reminder of the power of the Byzantine Emperor

  3. Form-stone veneer
    Function- symbolic of the mystical elements of religion
    Content- thin columns and open arched spaces
    Context- almost entirely funded by julianus argentarius
    Tradition- both axially and centrally planned
    Interpretation- bricks taken from roman buildings
    Artistic Intent- mosiacs that related to the eucharist
