Monday, March 5, 2018

50. Rebecca and Eliezer at the Well and Jacob Wrestling the Angel - Early Byzantine Europe - c. Early 6th Century CE


Artistic Intent
Audience Response

Responses are due by:
Friday, April 3, 2020 11:59 PM


  1. Mckenna
    Form-Illuminated manuscript
    Function-To display stories from the bible
    Content-Richly colored
    Context-The original location of this piece is unknown.
    Tradition- Use of contrapposto in the figures.
    Interpretation- May of been created in a royal workshop, because of the purple parchment.
    Artistic intent- The figures are meant to appear lively.
    Audience response- Is meant to be a blending of Ancient Greek/Roman art and early Christian.

  2. Nandini
    Form: silver on purple vellum
    Function: Represented the owner's piety
    Content: Rebecca emerges from the city of Nahor
    Context: first surviving illustrations of the stories from Genesis
    Tradition: Written in Greek
    Interpretation: Could have come from Constantinople or Antioch, but the original location is uncertain
    Artistic Intent: Created a continuous narrative
    Audience Response: The book itself is no longer together

  3. Form- silver script that oxidized and turned black
    Function- to illustrate stories from genesis
    Content- bright colors and lively figures
    Context- displays the classical training of the artists
    Tradition- classical art styles
    Interpretation- roman water goddess personifies the spring
    Artistic Intent- to portray a narrative
    Audience Response- combination of early greek and roman art
